6/26/10: Snare
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

God gave man dominion over the Earth = Kingdom of God, Man via Tree of Knowledge began to separate from God, hiding & fleeing - losing some of that dominion, what people heard at Sinai, Authors of the bible were inspired, but not translators, You need to be inspired when you read it, Many are hiding from God, "gin" defined, Conspiracy theories, Seduced by Government to do things contrary to the nature of God - taking from your neighbor, Karl Marx time, Decline of the middle class, Rejecting God - warned by prophets, Getting the government you seek, Seize the vote?, Democracy's changing definition, The sophistry of Satan, Graven Images, Laws and binding authority, What Christ taught, Paul and the Authorities, The snare of the fowler, Peter and the tax, Becoming the body of Christ, The Kingdom of Heaven will triumph, "Snare" in the bible, Vote = Prayer, Congregations of Record - conforming to Christ, More on "anger", Canoe in the Rapids analogy, Why participate in the network?, Characteristics of ministers, How Christ can live in you, "Robbers", Snared by your works, The keys to the kingdom, doing unto others, Socialism is having "one purse", Can't out-vote the selfish, Get involved, Help others!, Come together, The snare of today's churches.