6/27/20: Repentance From Oppression

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Sheep protection dog vs Sheep dog; Sheep stories; Critical theory vs critical thinking; Cain and Abel; Structures of government; God allows anti-God governments; Saul's folly - went beyond what was right; Tax types; Whiskey Rebellion; Realizing prophesy of being made merchandise; Seek kingdom of God, not Cain; Life without kings; Christ = Anointed = King; Worse than bondage of Egypt; Understand, not abolish; History helps understand present; Understanding yourself; Modern Christian enslavement; Critical thinking missing; Critical Theory is satanic; Why rioting today; Bible reading subject to your interpretation; Only way to understand is with Holy Spirit in you; Seek, persevere, strive first; Only reason for crucifixion was sedition; Egocentrism; Dividing by classes; Social Justice?; Righteousness is key; Churches lacking Christ so answers sought elsewhere; Inconsistency in law enforcement; "Tyranny of capitalism"?; Digging deeper; Shutting down facts; Shadow censoring; Platforms to publishers; No true capitalism in United States; Religious duty; Corporate capitalism; You can live your desired structure right now; BLM Marxists; Antithesis of Christ; Rushing to judgement; We don't have a Christian world!; Pharisee political party; You have no authority over your neighbor; Repressive Tolerance; Blind acceptance of government; Liberation Theology; Consequences of idolatry; Social Justice warrior is the ultimate oppressor; Romans 10:12; Repressive tolerance examples; Loyalty to righteousness; Christ's institution = The Church; Pure Religion; Oppressive structures; Polybius; Systemic breakdown of families; Ex 22:21; Forcing your neighbor to pay for your benefits; Oppressing others is anti-Christ; Getting back to liberty; Strengthening the poor; Kingdom of God is the solution; Christ's structure; James 2:5.

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