6/6/20: The Gullibility of People
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

George Floyd question; More die from doctors than police; Police are not the solution; Function of police; Gullibility of the people; What God wants; vs What you want; What to do about it; South Africa situation; Where is the solution?; Resistance is futile; Example: Kingdom caring for needy neighbors; How much will satisfy?; "Mammon" defined; Even Christ was tempted; Avoiding politics?; Christ's answer; Your choices; What your actions say about you; Becoming zombies; Cain and Abel message; Getting your rights back; Individualism; Learning by experiencing; Worship; Why do you go to church?; "Religion defined"; The true oppressors; Single-parent family problem; Degenerating society; How to recover; Anarchy; Laws are already in place; Our job!; What made America great?