6/8/13: Christians and False Religion - MUST HEAR episode! (If you have ears to hear.)
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Not as much as we've believed; Where responsibility lies; Words changed in our minds; The Hebrew letters themselves... ; "Blessed are the 'cheese' makers"; Personal revelation and peripheral knowledge; Knowing divine will/law; Duty to God and man; "Devolution" defined/described with examples; Powers of the office of mankind; "Preceptation" definition challenge. Find the meaning – if you can!; Good Samaritan example; Totality of social welfare of society example; 'Pig-nation' via pignoration; Responsibility to care for true needs; How it works/to turn around; Loss of access to rights; "Free society" described/detailed; How God reigns from above; The answer is in neither of these; Rights vs privileges; Making the way straight; Men listening to God in their hearts/minds; Want rights?; "Give us this day... "; Not only ourselves; Words/meanings have been changed; A lot of repenting to do; Strengthening with incentives to work/contribute; Back to way intended/intended meaning of words; Assembling peaceably; "Blood and water"; Start looking/seeking (Jesus said so); The time is fulfilled; Forgiveness important to being set free; Baptized and still receiving benefits?; Works meet for repentance; In spirit of Christ; There's a flow; Where charity begins; Helping those seeking/starting to seek kingdom; Showing The Way.