7/11/20: Elements of Critical Thinking
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Unused COVID-19 tests; Natural immunity; Your body is smarted than you; Virus spread and progression; Overcomers are part of the defense; Respirators killing patients?; Taiwan story - only 7 COVID deaths!; Criminal governance; Masks bad for you!; Anti-Christian Christians; Bondage of Egypt; Employed slaves; Strong families after slavery ended; What's destroying American society; Addiction to benefits; Polybius' observation; Plato's republic; Golden calf; Buying loyalty; Imperial cult of Rome/America; Voluntary servitude still exists; Compassion, awareness, good judgement, honesty, humility, willingness, patience, analytical thought and forgiveness essential to critical thinking; Old-timer story; Love everyone; Repent = think differently; Oppression = unjust treatment; Militia accomplishments.