7/18/20: Earning Damnation
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Bible on government; Bible on religion; Have you forgotten what should not be forgotten?; Are you a surety for your government's debt?; Beware your preconceived notions; Scapegoats and Golden Calves; Are you willing to entertain the idea you may be wrong?; Christ's organized network; Modern day mischief; Imagining Jesus; Thou shalt not covet!; Cursing your children; How to overcome the delusion; Feeding society's cancer; No righteousness by collective; Socialism redistributes wealth, rather than creates; Self-organization of sacrifice; Tens (hundreds and thousands) concept; Choice = God's gift to YOU; Imagining you're following Christ; Opportunities for repentance; Government-compelled sacrifice; Christ's other way; Caesar's election to 3 offices; Knowledge is of little value if you don't put into practice; Daily ministration; "White Fragility" - war on individualism; Truth speakers; Covetous practices are treason to Christ; Kingdom is learn-by DOing; Earning damnation; Rioting; Bandwagons of violence; Socialist welfare state is enemy of (black) communities; Degenerative protests; Slaves and saviors; Every socialist advocates slavery; Deut 5:21; Ps 10:3; Pr 21:26; vs Righteous charity; Jer 6:13; Blood sacrifice; 2 Pe 2:3; Cloward and Piven; Salvation is...; Kingdom of God is...; Our need to be faultless; Overcoming trauma; Color of skin vs content of character; Collective kills individual; FDR's legalized (collective) slavery; "Race" is an invented social construct; Kafka trap; Focus on righteousness; Pure religion; hope vs guarantee; Taking away choice; "Black" voices; Become your own voice; Share truth; Come together; Be born again of the blood of Christ; Who are Christ's brethren?; Rom 1:26; Your choice; Signs of the times; Statues = modern scapegoats.