7/20/13: New Testament Codes

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Mysterious things don't know how to interpret; Genetic codes and fish experiments; The war going on (and how the Mafia works); Spirit reveals Spirit; Born without a head?; Not by flesh and blood; When you see it...; Fundamentally flawed and not biblical; To find yourself and the KoG; An independent (but backwater) nation; By charity – like Moses; It all comes down to …; Romans not all that oppressive; Antithesis of what Moses taught; Two opposing trains; Worse kind of oppression; Spiritual Messiah; Stated over and over again – but missed; Running on debt; What tyrants know; As long as we do this we can't be free; On the other train; Where true Christians drew/draw their lessons; Where the problem began; The interesting thing; THE code, and the perfect place to start; Grow up (start going the way of Christ); Constantine's church; "Divisions"; Liberty; Coming into one accord vs "barn sour" horses; What we're to be repenting from; God opens the door, but we gotta be KNOCKING!; Who were/are the wicked; Un-incorporating churches vs incorporating... Christ's ways into our activities; Defining/distinguishing God's government; "... what catastrophes may come"; Early Christian writers/writings regarding names; Understanding the Christian conflict; "By force" (at that time); People in our own community.

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