7/3/10: Word of God
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Bible - Authors were inspired, translators were not necessarily inspired, History of translations, Compiled by Eusubius under Constantine, What about Constantine?, meeting of bishops, Kingdom of God at hand = right to be ruled by God, Why was Jesus brought before Herod? Pilate?, Structure of government at Christ's time, 3-part kingdom, Who was king in Jerusalem?, Herod and the prophesies, The Royal Robe given to Christ, Baptism of Herod, "Word of God" translations, Pharisees (scholars) didn't even get it, Need inspiration to understand the bible, What is your motivation?, Brother Gregory's motivation, All will fall short, Tree of Knowledge vs Tree of Life, Homework!, "bondage" in Egypt, Treasure Cities, How did WE get back into bondage?, Tuten Moses III?, (re-) Constructing His Church, Why was Rome in Judea?, A bit on passports, Congregations of Record, Congregations of Congregations, Election in the Kingdom, Tens, hundreds, and thousands, and Ministers.