7/7/12: Survive or be Subsidized

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

"Civilized Nations" oxymoron, Hoover Dam and the TVA, Losing individual enthusiasm, Media misdirection, Hue and Cry, What's your job in the Kingdom?, Will you be left behind?, Are you ready for freedom?, DOers make a society great, The means determine the ends, Hints from judges, J. D. Rockefeller and Ringo Starr, Jury nullification, MMS, Gibson Guitar company, Universal Health Care in the Roman Empire, Slothful belong under tribute, Who can be free?, Coveting congregations, Teamwork is needed, Juries and the law, Why won't you come together?, Things you can accomplish if you come together, Thou shalt not..., Socialism incompatible with Christianity, Beware Hollywood Christ and Moses, Chirstos = Messiah = Annointed = King, Judges in Ancient Israel, Tents vs Cities, A common purse of rights, The voice of the people, 1 Samuel 8 - take and take and take..., Realize what's already been taken, How to change?, How did you get here?, Good news - you can repent, God vs your constitution, judge = elohim = god, Who are your gods?, Who appoints them?, The sin of Public Schools, Federal Reserve Notes, Giving power to kings, Was Moses the rightful Pharaoh?, Understanding God's free government, Selecting your minister, Samuel's sons, Electing Sauls, Shofars, The blame game, Biblical "voting", "Vow" explained, Free souls under God, Proving filthy lucre, Imagine a community of 1000 kingdom seekers, Why go to church?, PCM Doers, Voting in the kingdom, No pedastels allowed, Ministering to complex people, What do you pray for?, Church = one form of government, Where to start seeking?, Daily policy is anti-Christ, The whole truth.

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