7/9/11: On Who's Authority?

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Now have a chat room, We only have authority to change us - not them, Big tyrants need little tyrants, Tomatoes in the front yard, Keeping the peace vs standing for righteousness, "stoned" misunderstood, what "weightier matters"?, Calls in Pennsylvania, Contact Ministers - quality not quantity, "Christian" labelling, Law of God written on our hearts and minds, Relationships, Kingdom tracks, Showing up for your neighbor, Don't look to the Pharisees to understand Christ - or Moses or Abraham, Small pox and raw milk, World police, Military guarantee peace?, Centralized governments are only recently the norm, Inflation - present mimics past, Is it OK to covet? Bet your minister says so, Beware false Christs, Paradise = Christians doing what Christ said, Lighting a world that loves darkness, Helping your minister, Being different than "them", Acting like Christ, "Prayer" re-defined, Help as to strengthen, Why do I need a congregation?, Study (be diligent) to show thyself approved, Seek out need, Purpose of the feasts, If necessary use words.

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