8/1/20: Generativity

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Culture; Blending groups; Cultural appropriation?; Identity preexists culture; Cumulative collection of knowledge - correct or incorrect; Example: COVID-19; Societal viral ideas - replicated falsities; Student isolation; Multi-age education; Risk assessment of single-age education; Of shutdown; Beware caring about what the news tells you to care about; Wear a mask? Fear death; Perspective vs emotion; Lacking virtue; Taiwan - only 7 COVID deaths; Ventilator death sentence; Correcting status?; Correct thinking (repent) first; Becoming doers of the word; Worship; Communion; Knowing the "whole truth" (includes yourself); Burning Bush Festival; Gregarious sheep; Dependence begets subservience; Socialism wants to divide; Festivals - bring society together; Hope learned in infancy; Socialism anti-love they neighbor; Dress and keep or be under tribute; Exercise of will; Who cares for you? Your parents?; Shutdown killing lives and hope; Origin of status problems; The Light Side; Resolving trauma; Forgiveness heals; Cures that kill; Exposing truth; Confusing identity; Parental responsibility for what school is teaching; Fundamental lesson of public school starts with covetousness; Generativity; Israelite "elders"; Sui Juris; Seeking righteousness; Practicing religion; Integrity vs despair; Charity provider should have a face; Healthy humility; Fulfilling Christ's vision; Learning trust; Loyalty; Listening to God; Getting God to hear you; Immigration evolution; Walls?; Convalescent home deaths; Shark attack awareness; Racism; Frontline provider demonization; COVID vaccine; Pathogenic priming; Bedside inspiration; Positive health; Kingdom hope; Ministers and congregations; Nobody isolated; Developing circulatory system of body of Christ; Fear not; Forcing vaccines; Typhoid Mary; 26-year quarantine!; Cities of Refuge; Asylum state; Intentional communities; Gathering in Tens, Hundreds and Thousands; Seek virtue.

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