8/11/12: Cain Syndrome

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Saul Syndrome review; One syndrome precedes the other; How the two relate; Cain syndrome described; Historical background; Example of how progresses; Cain syndrome today; A better option; Different types of service; "City" defined (amazing!); How/why cities "work"; Two systems' sacrifices compared; Cain's servants described; "Syndrome" carries with it idea of disease and dis...?; Power of governments; Why some choose Cain, and why some can't; Freewill offerings; Non-charitable institutions; Cain syndrome, by any other name...; Examples of; Why not getting better; Outcome of that, or the way of repentance; Bit of Cain in us all; Babylon the Great; What must change to change world; In what way?; The "Redeemed way" vs the many kinds of forced welfare; Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah; Governments "of the Gentiles"; A kind of service – that kills; Doers of the word; Why property taxes exist; Another kind of service – that loves, cares and contributes; Traditional churches; Deserving poor; Ways to sacrifice; To expatriate from systems, or to repatriate to God; You serve God, or "gods many"; Election year promises – for a price; Start giving in ways you can – for righteousness sake; About reproof and rebuke; Results of abandoning God's way – WE can't get back – but...; Intention of Prodigal sonS; Annual feast gathering; Flow from heart makes the difference; Why you desire to do; How to breathe; Become government of God; Bread from afar; Choice – of own accord; Sacrifice; Running, as example of BoC; Start w/local congregations; Coming together "Dos" and "Don'ts"; How to know whether following Christ; Loving Christ enough, to love your neighbor enough, to...?; Network of congregations; Cells of your body; Stagnant ponds; "Stepping out of the boat"; Ways to help get this word out.

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