8/15/20: What's the Point?

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Are you seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness?; Rom 8:35; Christ = "anointed"; Worshipping fabricated ideas of God; What is "good fruit"?; What did make America great?; Eph 3:9 Fellowship of the Mystery; Preventing God from writing on our hearts and minds; Darkness of the "world"; Have you heard the gospel of the kingdom?; Christ's commanded network; "Religion"; Putting on the full armor of God; Word of God; Entire social welfare of kingdom from freewill offerings; Titus 2:11; Salvation for the living; Bonds of iniquity; "Ungodliness"; Fatherly authority; Home teaching; "worldly lusts" - government; Christian daily ministration; "soberly" - with sound mind; "godly"; Moses and Abraham: you keep the stuff, let me have the people; repent - change your thinking; "despise" - periphroneo - regulate what you think; Church: in, but not of the world; Be ready to every good work; Obey, come in the name of, Christ; Fear a part of anger; Forgiveness frees you; Fear not!; Imaginary courage; Racing to save an already-saved world; COVID-19 vaccine; Risk assessment; 2020 US Death rates below previous years; Media feeding fear; COVID cure is natural; Control by implanted fearful ideas - hysteria; "Gates notes"; RNA/DNA vaccines; Eye on righteousness; Certificate of immunity; Swedish hospital mischaracterization by media; Socializing medicine; Early (When America was great) US hospitals built by charity; "aspirin" and Spanish Flu; Doctors are not our salvation!; Need information network outside media; Sterilizing women; Population collapse; Flu vaccines increase COVID risk; Immunity deniers; "Fact" checkers; Born again thinking; Stay tuned for solutions.

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