8/22/20: The Great Reset

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Resetting your life; Shutdown may cause death of hundreds of thousands; Coronavirus immunity; Prolonging virus will kill more people; Handfuls of aspirin?; Fear hampers immune system; Taiwan: 7 deaths; Fear and misinformation campaign; Prophecy; Isiah 34:15; "Great Owl" - scourge; Hosea 9:7; "Hatred" - animosity; Daniel 7:25; Rev 18:8; Becoming merchandise; Mark of the beast; Souls; De 4:9; Unaware of our covetousness; Joseph and income tax; Back to communion?; The religion of Cain; Nu 29:39; Mission of The Church; De 16:19; How to give to God; Think about what you forgot; Law written on your heart and mind/soul; Leave judgement to God; Job of Levites; Burning Bush Festival; Networking against the "Great Reset"; Biblical reset = repenting; Rom 8:35 - Love of Christ = Charity; Keep brethren from going to fathers of the earth; Christ died that you MIGHT be saved; His Church/Doctrine; Your deeds may separate you from Christ; The greatest reset was Christ; Unmooring meaning from practice; Promoting sensationalism and fear; Destruction of families; Christ is our salvation; Population collapse; Living life abundantly; The side of righteousness; Capitalism; One purse; Bad science; 2 Pe 2:19; Letting God reset you; Catholics; Eph 6:12; Neglecting pure religion; Government is not charity; Arresting government killers; Sitting in Christ's seat; Who is Israel?; Civil religion?; Why go to Church?; Christ's commands for His kingdom; Taking back your responsibility.

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