8/24/13: Kingdom Health
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

For the living; On the way back to "do"; It's a good thing (but what about how it's being done?); But we've been doing this for a hundred years; You didn't know history repeats itself?; "News with Views" article; Ways to love your neighbor; Most didn't attend public schools; Student raped for years (and shocking related atrocities); Why is that; Christ's solutions – to their conclusions – that gives abundant life; A mindset that must be changed; 5 major ingredients for biblical constitutions; Who showed up?; How to fix health care; Wanna play?! Let's choose teams; How $17,000 reduced off med bill; Enough responsibilities for everyone!; Know word meanings; Sharing the load; Great hobby idea; Soup kitchens – where those served... help out); Who was exempt from "NervaCare"; Home healthcare example; Being real Christians/loving in ways making a difference; Getting to humility; Systems of Corban; "Get blood flowing in the community"; Congregations of 10s/50s/100s/1000s; They paid their "tally of bricks"; Monkey pus connection to cancer outbreaks(?); What works long-time, works (what doesn't, doesn't); You can call it anything you want, but... ; Not to be that way with you.; "Church" in a law dictionary today; "The Lone Ranger" (NOT); "Unicorn" – not only word been messed with; They died and they didn't die... at the same time (?!); You want to be alive again? You want to do that?; Do this first (it will change you); Signs of unhealed, spiritual wounds and disease; Looking at all things anew; And what's really dangerous; ...and He will bless you.