8/25/12: The Feet of Society
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

The kingdom at hand; What Jesus was telling the disciples; Society defined; Society, determined by; Cannibalistic societies; SS – what it is; What means/how to "honor parents"; Pure religion defined w/examples; Kingdom ways (spiritual events/powers) – "bizarre" or commonplace; Satan forces to do some right???; "The Adversary" – to what/by what means?; Self-interest as a good thing – best application and what's needed to effect; If not this, then..., because...; What happened at Pentecost; Christ's role; "Feet of society" defined/explained; Abraham, and altars he set-up; What binds a society together; Sins forgiven, if...; IngredienCE of society – huh?; Stinky feet need washing know-how; When "greed" is good; Forgiving is giving – examples; Matt 18:13-35; Finding lost sheep; Love vs contracts; Emotions have a place; Some say Christ was a socialist; Rights and responsibilities of Family – as established under God; Free assemblies; Individual corporate entities; Congregations as non-corporate entities; How not to diminish rights of a Family; Trust overseer/protectors, ministers and elders; How/why it works; How world's governments operate differently; What to do; Begin with this to care about others...; Gandhi said...; Jesus (and Paul) extremely political; Foundation of societies; What any society must do in order to work; The way Christ did it; What determines nature of a soul; Principles vs privileges; What it means if not safe to be unpopular in your society; Of what does Family's corpus consist; What to give, how and where to give it, and for what; How best to come together; Message of the gospel; Making underwear, walking on water, dry bones, and repairing breaches; Offices of power; Where to get going.