8/28/10: Money!

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

What is money?, Different kinds of money, Natural money, Money by law - whose law?, Who can create money?, Federal Reserve Notes vs United States Notes, Purposes of new money, Where money gets its power, Wholesome money?, Weights and measures, Money in the bible, Precepts of Christ, "Value" of money, Light amongst darkness, Ministrative guidelines of HHC, Making your Yes, Yes, Retreat info, Government by man a rejection of God - 1 Sam 8, Prov 1, Prov 23, To whom do you pray?, How prayers are answered, Seeking the kingdom, How?, Sacred Purpose Trust, Altars of clay and stone, Irrevocable gifts = burnt offerings, unregulated ministers, YOU always have the choice, "Feed my sheep", The prodigal children, Government of the people, for the people (minister), by the people (recognition), Churches and tax exemption, Forming congregations of record.

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