8/29/20: Exposing Blind Spots

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Burning Bush Festival; RNC riots; Militia - USC Title 10; Violence out of hand; Christ gave us the solution; BLM + KKK; Anger clouds thinking; Systemic racism?; Omitting basic parts of the Gospel of the Kingdom; The Great Reset; Understanding history; Becoming merchandise; Cursing children with debt; Strong delusion; Starvation deaths; Machine part shortages; Trump is not your salvation; Food supplies; COVID pandemonium; County roundups; Being FOR Christ and righteousness; God-given immune system within you; Activating your immune system; Tetanus; Overstimulated immune response = "illness"; Avoiding hate; 28% were immune to COVID before it arrived - by memory; Coronavirus is not new; Immunity deniers; Civilization salvation; Problem is people in the dark; Government of God not to be like Gentile governments; No force! Charity; Loaves and fishes; "Love" = "Charity"; Christ's gospel = His plan of salvation; Warped definition of "religion"; Fear not! Anger not!; Deplatforming; Humility required; Why so many in prison/jail?; Sweden inmate example; Immigration percentage; Skin color doesn't cause violence; Seeing your strong delusion; Street crime increases?; Causes; War on poverty; Fatherless homes; Systemic undermining fabric of society - family; Oregon Article 2 section 22; Birthing/nursing children imparts immunity; Consequences of not being doers of the Word; "Well-regulated" = organized; Becoming "great" again; Daily ministration; Prosecutorial zeal; Myths explained; Morphing charity into force; Prison costs; Nonsensical example; Changing the nature of society; Britain example; Kingdom - incarcerate to protect, not punish; Prisons for profit; Power of the Holy Spirit; 1 Sam 8; Getting God to hear you again; Private prison misnomer; Using your gifts from God; Social Security realities; Myth: Prison slave labor; Repent and seek His kingdom; Lying media; Wake up!; Myth: violent criminals incapable of rehabilitation; Imaginary Christians; Thinking differently; Mark of the beast not forced upon you; Whose hoops will you jump through?; Spirit of Beast - force your neighbor; You want the Spirit of God!

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