8/3/13: Jesus, the Zealot? - MUST HEAR episode!
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Creeping ideas; Political factions at the time; Our modern dilemma (that's accepted today); God allows many things; "Cursing children" meaning; Saved just by what we think and say; The revolutionary idea; What makes a follower of Christ; Christ's church still around; Starting a new course (for free); Christian "ID" at the time in Rome; "Religion" at the time of the Constitution; Ever promote traditional definition of marriage?; A little uncomfortable to admit; How to walk on water; The right to be ruled by God; Doing with what you got; Getting out of Egypt/into the KoG; Men of "Probity"; Not promoting "anti-government"; If you want to follow Christ...; Your faith - visible, or ?; Kingdom tracks; Pride (in humility); Where you're at today; Faith is (everything in a) trust; 1st absolute duty...; Part of the delusion; The ways of bondage vs The Way; Feeling the sting, and the tale of two(?) sons; Right reason; The province of religion/personal faith, and how men should be governed; The driving force of the church; Why world is in a mess; Law book definition of "Church"; Christ's doctrines; What Modern Christians really believe (by what they're doing/not doing); 100 years ago; How/why we've become bound; The two NT bloodlines of Christ; Divine revelation, and the way back to liberty under God; Pufendorf; Things change; Understanding the spiraling cycle to destruction of societies; Our choice; Kinds of charities; "No agenda there!"; Understand the abortion issue in civil government; Quid pro quo; Bricks in the road to the KoG; The state of nature; The Collective fruit of our souls; "Faith" is...; Corban; "Elements" defined/described; Let's go back, together.