8/8/20: The Modern Church
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Wandering sheep; Congregation is not the livestock of the pastor; Belonging to Christ, hearing His voice, doing the will of His father; Ekklesia = called out; Who was the Church in the wilderness?; "City" = "terror"; Ways to care for widows and orphans; Disobeying Christ; Capturing ourselves; Post-famine Egypt; Slavery and servitude; Socialism is not righteous but covetous practice; No using force; THE gospel; Not of the world; Bible - beyond mere reading; Your duties to God and fellowman; Be humble enough to admit you're not free; NT Church appointed a kingdom by Christ; Little flock; Purpose of Temples; New Testament Pentecost; John 9:22; You're the "world", not the Church; Your choice; PreparingYou.com resource; Corban; Perfect law of liberty; Why give?; The Church = bride of Christ; "Cult"; Surety for debt; NOW is time to repent; Christ vs Pilate; Jesus Barabbas; Call no man on earth father; Never having heard it does not mean it's not true; Matt 7:21; Strive to do the will of the father; Know them by their fruits; Church organization; Essenes; Humbly consider this message; Inheriting the kingdom.