8/8/20: Throwing Out Salt
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Study History; Dave Daubenmire's article, "Who Really Controls the Church?"; Isa 20:10; "Here a little, there a little"; Separating ourselves from God's precepts; "World" - which world?; Who are the righteous?; Modern Christian rut of delusion; "Woke", but not awakened; COVID smoke screen; Taiwan - only 7 deaths; Pervasive deception; "Hens and Chicks" congregationalism - Minister hens gathers congregant chicks around him; Moses and Christ in agreement; Christ's brethren/called out; Conversation stoppers; Oregon constitution violations; Because you haven't heard it doesn't make it untrue; Ask!; The ultimate answer; Facts matter; Be aware of anger response; Righteousness instead; Coming together in Christ; Humility; Following the money; Tithing/militia in the kingdom; Gideon's vs Saul's altars; Detailed analysis of article; Church/State partnership?; Militia is the organized people; Freewill offerings; "Idiotes"; Socialism realities; Rome/US comparison; Judeans praised Augustus Caesar; Churches abandoning Christ; Who is the bride of Christ?; God's government separate from the world; Throwing out salt; Marriage contract; John 3:29 - The Church is the bride of Christ; Jer 25:10 is now history; FDR's socialism; Churches "of" the world; Go and sin no more; Churches whoring after state to do their job; Reading Amos; Who's taking care of your parents?; Egyptian bondage; Conforming to Christ in today's world; The Church (called out) is separate from the world (government); Keeping your word; Early Church illustrated; Re-thinking what you think is Church; Corpus (body) of Christ; Churches divorced Christ; What we need to do; Social Security; Differences in ministers of Christ; Modern Church's overseer is government, not Christ; Christ's table is set with freewill offerings; You created Caesar by giving him power; His Church never divorced Christ; John 15:19 - Ye are not "of" the world, Christ chose them; Christian conflict; Sanctify = separate; No socialism in The Church; Church is government of God - no exercising authority; Paul's missions; Matt 25; Are you living by love (charity)? Or by force?; Respect for those standing up - see the whole truth; Christ commanded…; Repent and seek His kingdom and His righteousness; Call no man on earth "father".