9/1/12: What Does a Believer Do Now?

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Saved by grace?; Adultery/fornication; Intention vs form; Not all governments bad?; Imagine...; "Streets-love"; Conflicting ideas; Sacrifices for salvation; Haunted by... temptations?; In the moment; Talk about, think and study, but ultimately...; Original (higher) right to choose; Difference in governments/kinds of trusts; Minister watch – supported, or not; Sure sign not in KoG; KoG won't work most places, but...; Your Family...; Central to Kingdom; Festival sharing; Checklists not viable; Interacting w/others "on same road"; Image of self-sacrifice; Burden with seeking KoG; Events on the sun; Dark spots, cognitive dissonance, and disease; Seeking KoG – motivation that sustains; Awake?; The better question; Best way to serve; How church is organized; Ways to help; "Adaptive preference formation"; Not easy ≠ impossible; Prayer request answered by MoRE; Project progress, offering, a working example, and encouragement; Lots of (little) ways to contribute; Fun – with rewards; Believer in Christ (or christ's many)?; God-given "right to choose", contrary influences, and how to choose rightly; Facing God; Not being a false witness (and more); Honesty 'bout one's unbelief; Helping others – what and how; Gotta make it happen! Y/N?; Hearers/speakers vs DOERS; Seek/find, ask/given – but what else; Second nature becoming first...love; Comfortability vs righteousness; What KoG is about; Conspiracy theories (but the real problem is...); What must change; Treasury, force, and multi-generational debt; Trusts – who regulates = differences in kind; 'Bout your minister(s); Examine and implement – what, and how; Professing faith – best practices; Connect w/contact ministers and develop assemblies of record (CoREs).

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