9/10/11: Kingdom Way
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

1/4: Way of God hasn't changed from the beginning; Abraham, Moses, Christ - all doing the same; "Walking in Eden" is for today - you're walking there now, or you're not following THE Way; "The Kingdom of God" is "the right to be ruled by God" = the way God rules = with a gentle hand - God is about choice; Nothing you can do so God owes you salvation; Lots you can do to be saved, and lots you can do to NOT be saved; Forgive in order to be forgiven = doing will of Father; You have no power over God; One way people try gaining power over God is to?; Character of God is "Giver of life" - not taker of life; God was patient w/Cain, but did not strive forever; Same with us, and we should be same with others; Pharisaical way is great distraction so we don't have to let Spirit guide - since we have the rule book; "Anointed" or "Christ", is an office; "Name" is "Character" ("Spirit"); Why Judean soldiers mocked Christ, etc.; Hue and cry = everyone to do something about it; Court watch - just one being there is enough, but, two or more is...; Kingdom of God has tax too; Can't take away choice; Kingdom of God is government of perfect law of liberty; You have right to support it or not; You give to individual Ministers who has right to decide use; Yes, corruption can come in, but it's our job to watch against that; 2/4: Constitution parallels Rome at time of 1st emperors; Indirect democracy is not a republic; Government is how you govern yourself; Israel very unique - autonomous families coming together; Every man to be enforcer of government; Little flock called "Princes"; Cities of refuge/redress; Christians not exercising responsibilities; Coveting = The Way...of the Beast; Men we've elected not tending to weightier matters is OUR fault!; Stop BEING the beast; "'Accepting' Christ" is a process of ongoing right choices; Gather with others to serve others; Communism/affluence has changed nothing; Can't see/get into Kingdom unless we change; Must be doers = not only not do harm, but actively doing good; Give, forgive, etc. freely w/love, not contrivances; Cast bread on water with nothing but hope it will come back = HUGE change; Devil wants us constipated with spiritual power - not giving it away; Wants us selfish, so he can eat us; There's more to homeschooling...like...; You don't have every skill; Everyone on email network should strive toward CoRs that are actually doing work of government; Step by step - steadily moving in that direction, or will never make it...ourselves; 3/4: Talking Kingdom over and over to better know what we're looking for; For living - now; Seeking weightier matters and attending to them, not sitting around having nice thoughts about someone; Actually be government of God (care for one another); Give support to get others to network; If we want people found: going to have to help, or do it ourselves; Signs in the Sun; CoRs are our Faith Emergency Ministerial Auxiliary (FEMA); Principal not limited to this network; Don't need numbers - need Christ; Durham wheat crop down; GMO = one of greatest threats to world; Back to "truth in labeling"...Christians will lead the way in this - if tending to weightier matters; Meet others making "kingdom tracks"; Extended network = any "not far from kingdom"; Generations effected; Monsanto messing with wheat too?; Bigger gardens/gardening clubs in every town; Seed Savers group through network; Getting cheaper to grow food in gardens if done right; CSAs, and farmers in the country are part of extended network; MoRs and PCMs, lead folks in these ways; Prepare for yourself by helping others prepare; 4/4: "Calendars" are big deal - to some; Most importantly, show up...; Passover = domestic and community relations, Tabernacles = larger, nationwide, alliances - point being to cultivate bonds, bring society together, support Levites = strengthen charitable governmental system; Valleys defeated when got away from international feasts; Tithingmen; "Essenes" most in accord to teachings of Christ; Cornerstone of faith of Christ and Patriarchs rooted in PRACTICALITY; The calendar chosen should guide in ways of Christ; These precepts upon precepts bring close to God; Feasts is example of practicality - they establish and build upon relationships; Does your position on calendar issues divide/ keep you from weightier matters of law, judgment, mercy and faith?; Calendar will either be life giving, or a millstone around our necks; Tools, but not to beat neighbor; Creating soil with worms; The real treasure is the people building the network - who love their neighbor...