9/14/13: Faith and Grace
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Noah – not a righteous man(?); Diligence vs perfection; If I do this, then God must...; Offenses, and the desire to separate; Eschatology worship?; Noah, like King David, ...; If there's a draft in your country; Corvee systems of statutory bondage; About being responsible; Some newly added HHC web pages; One of the problems/blessings of seeking KoG; Why should go to church; Rome not built in a day; We have the bible (and common sense); They want to give us more; Not the spirit of Christ; Why the bondage of Egypt; Rockefeller paid no taxes(?); preparingyou.com/wiki/Politics_of_Health (copy and paste); "Even if it wasn't a covetous system..."; What we have to do – as a people; "Deacon" – derivation of "ten" and "serve"; Wiki editors; Money, economics, and other complex issues; Judicious giving; "Covet means"; Until we do this...; Playing that game; Baby steps; They have to participate; Not for slothful or self-indulgent rich; Yom Kippur; Because Jesus said so; Have to work ("seek/strive") at it; Commitment; Multiple prohibitions (from what, actually); What atonement brings to us – and what this day is all about.