9/24/11: The 2011 Fall Feast and Retreat
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Fall gathering has a purpose and not just "mumbo jumbo", Israel bound by bonds of love not contract, HHC is more than an e-mail group, Practical purposes of gatherings - passover, tabernacles... Boys meeting girls, God's foudational government, Marriage vs Holy Matrimony, The purpose of witnesses, Christ's instructoins to "strive" and "seek", Congregations as part of a Kingdom, Contrast between "Burning Man" and feast of tabernacles, Bondage of the whole world, confronting demons, posession, Mohammed's flight to Medina, giving up control, Why to form Congregations, 1789 1st judiciary act, Our FEMA vs their FEMA, Reasons to walk with HHC, Reasons not to, Addictions to encouragement, What is charity?, 2 commandments, No "popes" here, Living by faith, hope, and charity under the perfect law of liberty, Knowing by fruit, Parable of the "good samaritan", How do we know?, The "still small" voice, Conform to Christ!, Sun-Earth relationship, Dry bones needing flesh, BEing Jesus, Nicolaitans and Balaam, What breathes life into the Kingdom?, No private interpretations, No pedastels, "Blood of Jesus", John 6, Why are you here?, Receiving the promise, Emotional salvation, Preachers' responsibilities, Even the devil believes!, A more exellent sacrafice, The new Ark of the Covenant, Can you hear this message?, Infinite journey - don't stop, In all things Christ is the answer.