9/7/13: What's in a name?
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Jesus' comings – not numbered; The word, "Name"; In the old days...; Head of the family of man; Natural bonds of society; The GREAT disaster; A nation's rulers as product/reflection of the people; Images of Christ (on canvas, and in hearts and minds); First thing the Devil's gonna wanna do...; Seeking His righteousness (interesting); Anger and impatience; Coming with His forgiveness; Battle of egos; Not letters and spellings; Name changing customs of some peoples; Not just about translating the words (examples of); THE Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah; If we want eternal life...; How God gives daily bread; "Religious organization"; "Slothful should be under tribute" (Slothful? In what?); "Keep making it up"; "Spotted" meaning; II Chronicles 7: 14, "...called by my name (my character)..."; As Rome was declining; Most under strong delusion; Herod's temple; "Mammon" meaning (and the good and bad of it); Gleanings from Dead Sea scrolls; Role of Synagogues; "To none effect"; The other way; "Holy smokes, we screwed up" - John the Baptist; Repent (out of love); This tree's getting cut down; Am I an enabler?; Trees are systems; Kingdom was there already(?); Selling seats; Forced contribution; Gather and pick trusted men; Think you're off the hook; LIFE-STYLE CHANGE ALERT!; Traits of good ministers; Targeted for political opinions; Ewe ain't no buck!!!; Fruits of socialism; Who were the soldiers and publicans coming to Jesus; Quit whining, etc. ... and start repenting.