9/8/12: Does God hate you? - MUST HEAR episode!
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Kingdom "at hand" meaning; "'Red' porridge" Nicolaitans/Balaam; Many (and subtle) ways to insanity; Electronic network vs live connections; Range sheep, geese in flight, a social welfare/network system of charity, and true needs; Seduction of benefits, and the behavior of "Woolly-pigs"; Birthrights, benefits, and the conquered – or... The Way (of range sheep); Kingdom's perspective; How your vote is cast; Division of Families and societies; Your riches; What doesn't work; Cost of free benefits; Freedom under God; Systematic networking w/others; God wants to love us; "Charity" that kills; At core of what makes nations great; Loyalty; Congregationalism vs kingdom net-working; "Flesh w/the life"; Huge transition before Christ; Learning to work together; Treasure of kingdom; What Christ preached; Kingdom tax rate; The "Logos"; For whom Christ died; Flesh and blood offerings; Pots, cauldrons, and the SS system; The flesh early Christians ate; Who's on the auction block; Dry bones; Christ died so we could understand...; Collision of ideas; Saved "in an instant"; Relationships or contracts; Picking a minister; Instrument of foolish shepherds; The pattern (what to start doing differently); Things God hates; Purpose for giving; "Sufficiency" of Christ's Way; Ministers sharing in offerings; Tending to needs; Together in little ways - now; To have eternal life; Faith in Christ('s Way); Who is being sought; About most talked about thing in bible; What Temples in Jerusalem were doing vs what Christ was doing; "Churches" today is product of what?; What do YOU say is going on here; Flesh of children already eaten up???; Just do this to repent, turn around, and start seeking the kingdom of God (and His righteousness)...