You Were Born in Receiving Mode
episode 132
I had a completely different episode planned for this week - a guest episode - but in the shower last week I got the clear download from the Pinnacle to put this episode out today. I’m sharing a story with you today that I didn’t plan on ever sharing with you, but it will support you in some way or I wouldn’t have been pushed to share it. This story helped me understand the Threshold within us and how we are given choices every single day to feed higher or lower vibrational energies within us.
I must note that I did not plan on sharing the story of my Grandpa in WW2. When I started talking that just came out. The following day after putting the episode together, I realized it would be aired on November 11th. And so, he is remembered and his energy continues to live and guide me.
Topics Discussed
- the cause and effect of your energetic output
- A Line Within Toronto event
- the 11/11 energy, Mercury transiting in front of the Sun, Full Moon in Taurus and what this means for you and the Line
- I’m embracing winter this year & tips on how you can enjoy the darkness as well
- how feeding your low vibrations or high vibrations creates your reality
- a message of truth that my grandfather brought me during a meditation in May 2019
- how I processed this message and released anger I had been feeding
- our emotion is our energetic communication
- an exercise for today to take advantage of the 11/11 portal