A year of divergence: The market and economic outlook for 2025

Making Sense - Podcast autorstwa J.P. Morgan


In this episode, Fabio Bassi, head of Cross-Asset Strategy, hosts a comprehensive discussion with J.P. Morgan Research experts on the market and economic outlook for 2025. With a focus on inflation, geopolitical uncertainty and policy changes, the team provides insights into the expected trends in equities, currencies, commodities and more.   0:51 - Hussein Malik, head of Global Research 2:04 - Bruce Kasman, chief global economist 5:54 - Dubravko Lakos-Bujas, head of Global Market Strategy 10:36 - Jay Barry, head of Global Rates Strategy 15:53 - Meera Chandan, co-head of Global FX Strategy 21:11 - Stephen Dulake, co-head of Fundamental Research 24:57 - Luis Oganes, head of Global Macro Research 30:16 - Natasha Kaneva head of Global Commodities Strategy 34:57 - Fabio Bassi, head of Cross-Asset Strategy   This episode was recorded between November 29 - December 16, 2024. This material (Material) is provided for your information only and does not constitute: (i) an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any investment product or strategy, or (ii) any investment, legal or tax advice. The information contained herein is as of the date and time referenced in the Material and J.P. Morgan does not undertake any obligation to update such information.  J.P. Morgan disclaims any responsibility or liability, whether in contract, tort (including, without limitation, negligence), equity or otherwise, for the quality, accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this Material, and for any reliance on, or uses to which, this Material, is put, and you are solely responsible for any use to which you put such information. Without limiting any of the foregoing, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall J.P. Morgan have any liability for any special, punitive, indirect, or consequential damages (including lost profits or lost opportunity), in connection with the information contained in this Material, even if notified of the possibility of such damages.  Any comments or statements made herein do not necessarily reflect those of J.P. Morgan, its subsidiaries or its affiliates. All materials and information shared with you are, unless otherwise indicated to you, proprietary and confidential to J.P. Morgan.  You are hereby notified that any disclosure, dissemination, copying, distribution, or use of the information provided to you, in whole or in part, other than as expressly permitted by J.P. Morgan, is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.  You are permitted to disclose the materials and information to your officers and employees on a need to know basis. Should you have any questions regarding this, please contact your usual J.P. Morgan contact.  For further information please visit: https://www.jpmorgan.com/pages/disclosures/materialdisclaimer. © 2024 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. J.P. Morgan is a marketing name for businesses of JPMorgan Chase & Co. and its subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide.   JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. (member of FDIC), J.P. Morgan Securities LLC (member of FINRA, NYSE and SIPC), J.P. Morgan Securities plc (member of the London Stock Exchange and authorized by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the PRA) and J.P. Morgan SE (authorised by the BaFin and regulated by the BaFin, the German Central Bank and the European Central Bank) are principal subsidiaries of JPMorgan Chase & Co. For legal entity and regulatory disclosures, visit: www.jpmorgan.com/disclosures. For additional regulatory disclosures, please consult: www.jpmorgan.com/disclosures.

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