Lightroom, Alternatives, and Mobile Workflows
Master Photography - Podcast autorstwa Master Photography Team
Jim talks with Connor and Brad about Lightroom, Lightroom alternatives, and mobile workflowsLightroom or bust?
* Why leave LR Classic
* Pros
* Cons
* Where to go
* Capture One
* All-new LR
* Macphun (Sklyum) Luminar 2018?
Mobile Workflow
* Why do we need a mobile workflow?
* Instant gratification
* Where do the files live?
* Does an iPad edit fast enough on a large raw file?
* Best device for running a mobile workflow
* Looking for 8 people with something cool to share about photography
* IP+ is about to get awesomer
* Going to another country to spend 3 days with one of the most creative photographers on the planet to record a tutorial for IP+.
* I’m almost done with a new course called “Landscapes in Motion”
Doodads of the Week!
* Jim: Rode video Micro
* Brad: Western Digital MyPassport wireless Pro
* Connor: Breakthrough Photography 100mm square ND filters