#015 - Bringing a close to 2018 with reflection + ritual

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - Podcast autorstwa Lori A Andrus

Well . . . tomorrow is the last day of 2018.  I can hardly believe we are at the years end.  Since the solstice, I've been spending quite a bit of time in reflection . . . exploring the highs and lows of the year: dreams that were brought to completion, those that never really took form, and those who've come into thriving fullness.  Do you take time for this too? I find this to be a powerful way to fully receive the gifts of the year and create space for the next year.  This years reflection revealed some pretty cool insights.​ Like all good year end reflections, this one begins last year, at this time . . . hehe.  I remember meeting the new year with a sense of excitement. I had a list of personal and business goals neatly laid out, and I had carefully chosen a personal theme for the year: focus, fun, and freedom. Those three words opened up quite the journey​.   I had a lot of ideas about what freedom would mean for me . . . I imagined lots of travel, open air, and open roads. Of course those bits were definitely a part of my year, but I found myself quite surprised when spirit invited me to look at this word differently, to recognize that true freedom is something to be found within as I give myself permission to expand further into wholeness. Yep, that one felt so obvious and at the same time I was missing it.  2018 revealed how to experience freedom deep within. This awareness ultimately led me to close Journey Jewels, my jewelry line of eight years, and make a pivot in my work by opening the virtual doors to Crystal Shaman School. Phew . . . that was big, unexpected, and wild ride.  I came face to face with some tightly held beliefs and a lot of emotion. And I found myself leaning even further into sacred practices such as ceremony and shamanic journeying for clarity and support. It is through shamanic practice that I unraveled the ways I had bound myself to a particular way of being and created a true sense of freedom. As I look back at this year I feel deep gratitude for the many unexpected ways those three words rippled through my life . . . and I am truly curious as to what will unfold in 2019. In this final 2018 episode of Crystal Shaman Life podcast, I dive into the topic of how to bring the year to a sacred close and begin to create space for the magic of 2019.

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