#039 - March Crystal Altar of the Month

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - Podcast autorstwa Lori A Andrus

The spring spirit was activated in our home over the weekend. Chris and I got our little camper out of storage and started prepping it for an upcoming adventure. We're not heading out very far, or for very long, but there's something really refreshing about a couple days away, spending time in nature, hiking, and sitting (bundled up) beside the campfire. When we create opportunities to do the unexpected or break free of our own perceived limitations and expectations we come to know ourselves in new ways. We grow. We expand. We become confident, assured, and trusting of ourselves and others. Yes, by doing the unexpected, we rise into our wholeness. So much of what makes each of us amazing is all too often hidden away in the routines of our day to day lives. Doing the unexpected does not mean we need to do something huge or risky, but it does require us to push our edges just a little bit . . . to say more at times and less at others, to sit on the floor and gently stretch during a hulu binge, to leave an afternoon or evening or even a weekend open in our calendar, to try a new genre of music, to go camping for a night or two in the middle of the winter.  We all have a comfort zone, and we all have edges we would like to press.  What edges can you press in your world? This was the central theme that emerged today, as I sat down with the crystal altar of the month. Iolite (the crystal of the year) and Chain Coral (the crystal of the month) extended an invitation to break the bonds of our expectations and to create space to be pleasantly surprised by ourselves, by others, and by life. Tune into this week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life Podcast and discover what this altar wants to share with us in the month of March. much love, Lori For more information about Lori or to listen to other episodes visit: https://loriaandrus.com

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