#049 - September Crystal Altar of the Month

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - Podcast autorstwa Lori A Andrus

How are you experiencing the energy of this week's Full Moon?  What are you noticing?. . . Are you feeling energized or are you feeling like you'd love to crawl back into bed for a couple extra hours of sleep?  As I've been checking in with friends, clients, and colleagues, I've been hearing many different responses. This full moon is most definitely affecting each of us a bit differently. But despite how we are experiencing it, it does have a central theme and that theme being that it is time to land the ideas and dreams and visions that have been circling our awareness over the past several months.  One of the themes I'm seeing show up (both personally and collectively) is a desire for change and transformation. Some of us maybe feeling it within ourselves, the desire to shift the patterns of belief or subtle ways we've been living our day to day lives, while others of us may feel called to impact change on a more global level.  Regardless of what aspect we are feeling called to affect either in our lives or within the world, this full moon is preparing us for steps of inspired action that we will take throughout this month.  So if extra rest is what you're needing now, indulge it. ;-) And if you're ready to move into action, go for it! As I sat with this month's crystal altar, the crystals had A LOT to say about what it means to be persistent and to take aligned and inspired action. Tune into this week's episode here:  Wishing you a joy-filled week.  with love and crystals, Lori

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