#050 - 3 Myths about Creating Real + Lasting Change

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - Podcast autorstwa Lori A Andrus

It has been a very busy couple of weeks here as I've been digging into a couple of exciting projects. I've been filming, recording, designing, and getting so creative. As we near the fall equinox, I find myself attuning to the energy of the season change and a time of year when my creative self loves to create! One of the projects I've been working on is creating a monthly membership circle. I'm so excited about this one. It has been nurtured in my heart and in my thoughts for years, and now it is time for it to be created. I so want to share details with you, but know that they are coming soon . . . very soon! As I've been sinking into this project with my team, it's been so much fun to bring what was once just an idea into form.  In the process, I've been noticing that as I'm creating graphics and meditations and videos and so much more, I'm taking a little journey of reflection as well . . . I'm reflecting upon the deep inner journey that I've also taken along the way.    So often, when we think about creating something or making changes in our lives, we think about the action steps we will need to take. Those action steps are incredibly important, but taking the inner journey is just as important.  The inner journey is essential to creating the growth required for us to bring our visions, ideas, and dreams into form.  In last week's podcast episode of the Crystal Shaman Life Podcast, I shared the crystals and stones of the month along with the ways they are showing up to support us on a collective level. Citrine was central in that altar, and its message was crystal clear: 'It is time to create real and lasting change.' That message stood out to me with so much energy that I spent a good bit of time exploring what it means to create real and lasting change. As I sank in, a series of myths showed up . . . beliefs that I all too often hear come up for individuals on their healing journey, beliefs that misguide their steps and unconsciously keep them spiraling through the same cycle over and over and over again.  In this week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life Podcast, I dive into these myths, bringing a bit of awareness around the places where we unconsciously keep ourselves in the same loop and never really move forward in the ways we deeply desire. Tune in to discover how these myths maybe living in your life. Wishing you a joy-filled week. with love and crystals, Lori

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