#051 - Feeling the Fall Vibes. How to Flow with this Season of Change

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - Podcast autorstwa Lori A Andrus

HAPPY FALL EQUINOX! Are you feeling the Fall Vibes on this gorgeous Fall Equinox Day. Over the past week, so many things in my world have wrapped up or come to completion. It's wild how that naturally happens as we attune to the cycles of the earth. Perhaps you've been noticing this as well. It feels good, doesn't it?! Well, in the fall season, I love sharing what I've been working on behind the scenes . . . and this fall share has had me bursting at the seams with excitement for weeks (ok, probably more like years)! Today, on the Fall Equinox, the doors open for the SANCTUARY Membership Circle! The Sanctuary Membership Circle is a soft place to land, a space where we find sacred connection with self, with spirit, and with all of life.  Each month you will find fresh and timely new content that will support you in attuning to the monthly pulse. This lovingly curated content will include: guided meditations, ‘in the now’ crystal wisdom and messages, soulful reflection rituals, and other practical sacred practices and fun surprises. I won't overwhelm you with all of the membership details here, but I would like to invite you to check them out and sign up over here: https://crystalshamanschool.com/thesanctuary/ While you're there, you'll discover a limited time Founding Member Rate . . . this is a lifetime rate available until 10/31. I think that's pretty cool and I would LOVE for you to take advantage. Okay . . . circling back to the FALL VIBES . . . I prepared this episode to support you in Flowing with this Season of Change. Listen in! Wishing you a joy-filled week. with love and crystals, Lori  

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