#054 - Taking it to Ceremony. Let's talk about the benefits + when it's a great time to step in.

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - Podcast autorstwa Lori A Andrus

Happy New Moon! Mmm . . . I'm really enjoying the energy of this new moon.  There is a lot happening in the skies right now​ (and well as here on earth), but something about this Libra New Moon feels like both a point of endings and new beginnings . . . like the energy of both a full moon and a new moon are alive and active right now.  You may be noticing this with a very active dreamtime, crystal clear messages, a deeper understanding about situations that previously had you stumped, and perhaps a bit of push/pull in conversations while a renewed sense of appreciation and love emerges with bits of clarity and understanding.  I know, that may sound like a bit of a dualistic ramble, and I guess in some ways it is.  We are in the midst of a lot of opposition and it is through that opposition that clarity shows up. So, however you are experiencing this new moon, I want to invite you to take a deep breath, step out of whatever is feeling a bit chaotic, and create space to discover what's been hidden. Ceremony is a great ally for this . . . and it's also the theme for this week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life Podcast. Ceremony helps us to step into sacred time and sacred space where infinite possibilities are available to us.  It offers an opportunity to connect with spirit and to receive messages and insights that we miss in our day to day busyness.  This week's episode is the first of a 2 part series. This week we dive into conversation about the benefits of ceremony and when it is a great time to step into one.  Wishing you a joy-filled week. with love and crystals, Lori P.S. Have you heard about my new Membership Circle? The Sanctuary doors are now open . . . Learn more here: https://crystalshamanschool.com/thesanctuary

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