#055 - Ceremony how-to's, tips, and tricks

Meet Me in Sacred Space with Lori A Andrus - Podcast autorstwa Lori A Andrus

Mmm . . . I'm so enjoying the energy of this weekend.  What have you been noticing? How have you been experiencing it? In my world, I've been finding myself immersed in deep conversations with friends, profound dreams, sinking into creative projects, and enjoying quiet, reflective time as I dive deeper into my study and practice of the ceremonial arts. Weeks ago, I received guidance to block off a bit of time on my calendar at the end of October / beginning of November. I'm really glad I listened. This mid-point of the fall season is a time when our intuitive senses feel heightened.  We may recognize or experience this as a clear(er) connection with the spiritual worlds. We may notice animal messengers popping in with a little love or we may awake with a clear message, words of wisdom, or sense of knowing. We may feel more connected with self, with spirit, and with all of life than we do at other times.  Often, this time of year is recognized as one in which the veils between the physical and spiritual worlds are thin and our ability to connect with the unseen or spiritual realms happens with greater ease. It is a rich time for honoring our ancestors and healing ancestral patterns. It is a time for love, compassion, and forgiveness. It is a time for ceremony.  In this week's episode of the Crystal Shaman Life Podcast I dive into conversation around the difference between sacred practice, ritual, and ceremony and I share some of my favorite ceremony tips and tricks.  Wishing you a joy-filled week. with love and crystals, Lori P.S. the doors are open for the SANCTUARY Membership Circle! The Sanctuary Membership Circle is a soft place to land, a space where we find sacred connection with self, with spirit, and with all of life.  Each month you will find fresh and timely new content that will support you in attuning to the monthly pulse. This lovingly curated content will include: guided meditations, ‘in the now’ crystal wisdom and messages, soulful reflection rituals, and other practical sacred practices and fun surprises. I won't overwhelm you with all of the membership details here, but I would like to invite you to check them out and sign up over here: https://crystalshamanschool.com/thesanctuary/ P.P.S. While you're there, you'll discover a limited time Founding Member Rate . . . this is a lifetime rate available until 11/30. I think that's pretty cool and I would LOVE for you to take advantage. For more information about Lori or to listen to other episodes visit: https://loriaandrus.com

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