Psychic Barbara With: Messages from ther Other Side for World Peace

Journey into the Vortex and Out of the Matrix - Podcast autorstwa Marcela Nitschke, Heather Wells & Mary Roseman

Join us for an enlightening conversation as we delve into the fascinating world of psychic channeling with Barbara With. Barbara, a spiritual psychic reader since 1987, has channeled the wisdom of none other than Albert Einstein and other angelic peacemakers from beyond the veil in numerous sessions around the world. In collaboration with her psychic sorority, Barbara and her celestial companions have birthed "Conflict Revolution," a groundbreaking solution for world peace, one person at a time, with step-by-step instructions for resolving inner conflict and contributing to global peace. For more information, be sure to check the links below and embark on a journey at the intersection of science and spirituality.  

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