NT Pod 103: The Joy of Textual Variants: In Conversation with Dr Elizabeth Schrader Polczer

NT Pod - Podcast autorstwa Mark Goodacre

NT Pod 103 is a conversation with Dr Elizabeth Schrader Polczer, focusing on her Duke PhD Dissertation, "’Those Who Love Me Will Keep My Word’:  Narrative Variants in New Testament Gospel Stories”, and related topics. NT Pod 103: The Joy of Textual Variants: In Conversation with Dr Elizabeth Schrader Polczer (mp3) You can leave feedback on Twitter or on our Facebook page, or on our new Instagram. Dr Elizabeth Schrader Polczer's homepageDr Elizabeth Schrader Polczer on Twitter “Those Who Love Me Will Keep My Word”: Narrative Variants in New Testament Gospel Stories (Duke University PhD Dissertation) "Was Martha of Bethany Added to the Fourth Gospel in the Second Century?" (Open Access via Duke Space; Harvard Theological Review official here) "Was Salome at the Markan Tomb? Another Ending to Mark's Gospel" (Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin article) "Apocryphal within the Canonical:  Unorthodox Influence on the New Testament Textual Transmission" (forthcoming article) Mary Magdalene as a “revealer":  translated page from the Syriac Sinaitic palimpsest Thanks to Ram2000, "Me and You", for the opening theme, released under a Creative Commons agreement.

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