024: Say YES! to the Hard Things

Pieces of Grit - Podcast autorstwa Rachel Stewart

Let’s talk about hard things.  You’re used to living in workout attire whether or not you’re actually going to the gym.  That’s what all the cool people do.  Then you move to a city where NO ONE wears athleisure. If they’re in gym clothes it’s because they are actually going somewhere to sweat. Life is hard.

That’s probably not the most challenging thing you may face in life, but you have to say yes to the hard things.  That’s the only way you grow. Ever.

As an Enneagram 1, Laura is right about everything, so whatever she says, goes.  Just kidding, but that’s the great thing about embracing our weaknesses - we can laugh about how ridiculous they are most of the time.

Through the most recent season of change in her life, Laura has learned she is way more adaptable than she thought. She’s been pushing boundaries in her personal life and is loving the results.

Step in to her New York minute and listen to some of the difficult YES moments she has navigated.

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