059: Get Out of Your Rut!

Pieces of Grit - Podcast autorstwa Rachel Stewart

My newest book: Chaos Clarified

Every aspect of life requires us to be and stay on track.

We have to eat well.

We have to feed my emotional and spiritual health. This means quiet time in the morning reading, meditating, or praying. It means planning intentional time with friends because even us introverts need people every once in a while. And choosing well the people we hang out with so that it is a mutually refreshing time.

And we have to relax every once in a while.

The key to success is a healthy routine.

But when you get into a good routine, how do you keep it from becoming a rut?

I started thinking about the fine line between routine and rut. What separates them and how do you keep from turning a routine into a rut?

A couple of resources are linked below to give you a little more to read and ponder, but I think one of the biggest differences is that routine has purpose and meaning and a rut is empty actions.

What was the last goal you got excited about?

Let’s say all virus restrictions are lifted and this fun and healthy routine you implemented with a very specific purpose feels like an activity you need to continue. The days or weeks pass, the kids don’t want to help anymore, your neighbors don’t say thank you as often, and now that you have resumed a few more activities, the time it takes to go through the motions feels laborious.

These bagels (https://ketokarma.com/how-to-make-keto-bagels-recipe/) had a lot of flax seed, psyllium husk and almond butter. I’m a big almond butter fan - always have it on hand - but it’s a ton of calories and I know I need to watch myself. 

Experimentation began with removing half of the almond butter and replacing with some banana. Not bad. The bagels came out very fluffy and airy, more like a dinner roll. That’s okay, on to the next attempt. Having spent many years eating (and attempting to eat) paleo, I’ve made a LOT of recipes with sweet potatoes. Naturally, my next round of bagels subbed half of the almond butter with half of a sweet potato. I also removed a bit of the flax seed because who needs flax seed AND psyllium husk???

That was a keeper and is now a weekly routine. 

This routine has meaning for me. It gives me a grain-free breakfast option to have alone with my coffee or to make a bagel sandwich, which I have an oddly high obsession with.

A single bagel fills me up with all the fiber, helping me achieve my nutrition goals (on the days I don’t eat a bag of tortilla chips).

A breakfast rut on the other hand is when I wake up, have nothing prepared and end up munching on something I definitely don’t need. It’s easy and requires nothing of me, but always leaves me tired (because it’s usually carb-heavy) and frustrated. There isn’t any purpose or meaning behind this type of a rut.

When I find myself in a place like this I have to pause and ask a few questions.

  1. What would I rather be doing?
  2. Why am I choosing to be/stay in a rut?
  3. What is my purpose for changing up my habit?
  4. How can I shift into a new routine?

There are often more questions to helping me get back on track in a healthy way, but these will get you started.

So where are you today? Are you in a healthy routine? (I mean mentally and emotionally, not just physically.) 

Or are you stuck in a rut, without purpose or meaning to your choices and actions?

IF you want to see a change, go back and listen to those four questions again. Maybe write them down somewhere.

You are the boss of you and the only one who can effect positive change in your life. And you’re stronger than you think. I am not a cheerleader and I’m not trying to pump you up and be your motivational speaker. But I have learned from my own life and have observed in every woman around me - you can do whatever you set your mind to. Choose well.

I have resources on the website that will help you move in the right direction, to clarify chaos in your life, to create a life purpose statement, to challenge you to develop grit. 


Thank you for letting me be part of your life and share mine with you.

Hey, go get out there today and find a way to amplify your life!

Chaos Clarified - My book!

Atomic Habits by James Clear

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