An Nawawi 40 Hadith Recitation

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An Nawawi 40 Hadith 5-40 - Recited by Sheikh Saad Al Ghamidi.mp3 - HADITH 5. - On the authority of Ummul Mukminin Aishah r.a., who said : The messenger of Allah said: "He who innovates something in this matter of ours that is not of it will have it rejected." (Bukhari and Muslim). - HADIS 5. - Daripada Ummul Mukminin Aisyah r.a. beliau berkata: Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam telah bersabda: Barangsiapa yang mengada-ada sesuatu perkara dalam urusan agama ini, yang bukan daripadanya, maka ia tertolak.(Bukhari and Muslim).

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