Ep – 17 – Logan Sullivan – IMPACTivism and Effective Altruism

Purpose Up Podcast: Purpose | Inspiration | Leadership | Service - Podcast autorstwa Ben Stein: Blogger, Coach and Inspiration Seeker

Do Good Challenge! In alignment with this episode’s guest and purpose, please visit one of these sites below and donate what you can now! Report back to Purpose Up on Facebook and you could win a free copy of Doing Good Better: How Effective Altruism Can Help You Make a Difference by William MacAskill. * Givewell.org * Effective Altruism Funds * Givingwhatwecan.org   Logan Sullivan – IMPACTivism and Effective Altruism Logan Sullivan is a humanitarian aid worker who educates people about effectively making an impact. His focus is on optimizing and measuring the good we do in order to deliver the most efficient and beneficial outcomes. For over 8 years in 60 countries on 6 continents, he has investigated purpose, perspective, and how to most logically and effectively impact change. In this episode we talk about his podcast, IMPACTivism (Impact + Activism), his early travels that opened his eyes to the world, and the wide range of humanitarian work he has done. He explores how our intuition can lead us astray, our cognitive biases can steer us wrong, and provides actionable reccomendations for doing the most good. Highlights * How Logan caught the travel bug and became addicted to novelty * How meditation and inward reflection made him question his career motivations * His initial aid work in Haiti where his service started, and his inquiry on effectiveness began * How his podcast looks at the actions that can make us feel good versus the ones that provide the best results * Asking the question, do I care more about how I feel about doing good or the measure of the outcome? * Push decision making vs. Pull decision making   Logan Sullivan Bio Logan Sullivan first moved abroad in college to study in Australia, then again in South Africa. Addicted to novelty, he then sought adventure volunteering in the Cape Town slums and on a solo backpacking trip through Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi. This love of travel evolved into a passion for service.  Later through his work in Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Cambodia, Philippines, and Honduras, Logan investigated the dissonance between kindhearted intent and actual outcomes. After graduate studies in international law and non-violent popular struggle, Logan used persuasive reason to influence betterment beyond philanthropic systems. As the Regional Advocacy Advisor for a Nobel Laureate International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO), he advocated for a more effective humanitarian response in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Iraq. As the INGO Forum Coordinator/Representative in Nigeria he spoke on behalf of dozens of INGOs to the United Nations, Ambassadors, the Nigerian Government, and to the US Congress and Senate. He examined a fractured humanitarian system from a unique vantage point, and learned how to prioritize energy for influencing change. Now Logan has returned to Portland to share his findings through The IMPACTivism Podcast, a book, and speaking engagements. As a vegan and aspiring Effective Altruist, he has publicly pledged to donate 10% of his income for life,and 20% during the Trump presidency, to high impact humanitarian, animal welfare, and environmental nonprofits. In his free time to sustain joy, he climbs rocks and mountains, practices acrobatic yoga, started to build a tiny house on a 20-foot trailer, and wanders aimlessly into the woods in search of mystery.   Links

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