5 Advanced Land Filters You Won't Get From Anyone Else but Daniel Apke at The Land Portal » 1371

Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast - Podcast autorstwa Joe McCall


Have you heard about The Land Portal? A lot of people I'm doing land deals with have been asking me about it. It’s an amazing resource, and Daniel Apke is here to tell you all about how it works. The cool thing about this tool is that it's a software program that uses AI to find potential land deals. I’ve been digging into it, and it’s a great way to get a list of vacant landowners you can't get any other way. Inside the Land Portal, you can set up all kinds of filters using the AI-generated land tools so you can target the exact properties you’re looking for. Here, Daniel’s showing you all the cool features so you can see how it can work in your own land business. It’s a great resource, and if you want to check it out, head to JoeMcCall.com/LandPortal.What’s Inside:—How Daniel Apke started The Land Portal—A demo of The Land Portal’s tools and features—How you can get access to The Land Portal

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