Real Marketing Real Fast


A Business Continuity Plan with Doug Morneau

The one thing that you can expect from a global crisis like we're experiencing is that not everybody will lead well in this situation.
"Once the quarantines over, what will my business look like?"
How will customers want to be treated when we reopen for business?
There are lots of different ways that you and I can support our local businesses and support each other.
Is there something new you can do in your business to take advantage of the time that you have?

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There are lots of different ways that you and I can support our local businesses and support each other.

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Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today's going to be a solo episode. I just want to have a chat with you and just a conversation to see where you're at and how you're doing. In these crazy times that we're living in, I guess, there are a couple of ways that we can respond. One is to fight and the other one is flight, so we could run and hide or we could face what we're going through and just work through it. As I said, I'm not sure where you're at, but if you know me at all, you'll know two things for sure, that I'm very bold in my approach and have taken that approach pretty much all my life. Many other people call it arrogance, but really that's just how I'm wired. I tend to be pretty persistent and I don't quit easily.

The one thing that you can expect from a global crisis like we're experiencing is that not everybody will lead well in this situation. Several years ago, like a long time ago, I attended an event in New York and it was organized by Fast Company, the magazine, and it was called The Innovation Conference and I found it interesting on so many fronts. First of all, as an entrepreneur in small business and a Canadian small business, I was by far the smallest business at the conference and from what I could see I was only one of two Canadian companies that had made the trek to New York for this particular conference. The other one was a very large telco company in Canada called Telus and we were the two representing Canada.

One of the many seeming out of place activities that we did, there were many actually, there were skits, there was music, they had a series of speakers on all sorts of topics and the speakers were from very large companies. I'll share a little bit of that a little bit later with you, but one of the ideas that they wanted us to do is they wanted us to work with an artist to sketch a concept or an idea.

After having listened to several of these big companies like the NASDAQ Stock Exchange and Kevin from Dig and Lexus were there from their car division, The New York Times were there, is I worked with my artist and my sketch was simple. I had him do a sketch, which I titled Chaos and I'll tell you why in just a minute. If you see my sketch, if you just imagine for a minute, it was a bunch of people, men and women, basically with their heads buried in the sand. The concept I was trying to portray was that they were hiding or not acknowledging what was going on.

When I did this, I didn't have any a particular idea of what it was they're trying to ignore, but just the fact that often when there's chaos and there's confrontation and there are things that are happening around us, lots of people will hide versus looking at what's happening. If you can see this sketch this artist so brilliantly drew up for me, in the forefront of this sketch was a man standing tall with a pair of binoculars looking over all the butts of all the people bent over that had their heads in the s...