Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to be your authentic self in your professional life with Megan Macedo

Our current iteration of my business is all about helping people be authentic in their marketing, authentic in their businesses and actually put their real selves into every aspect of their work.
I feel like people have problems and those problems show up in their businesses and their marketing the same way they show up as everywhere else in their life. And I think I'm interested in that kind of stuff and I want to go deeper."
What am I naturally really good at and how can I build something robust around that?
There's a little film on my website that kind of tells my story and it talks about my grandparents and it talks about where I grew up, it talks about Northern Ireland and there are footages from Donegal and it actually doesn't tell you what I do.
I see one of the circles is being you and your story and the other circle being your ideal customer and their story and the area of the intersection I call the empathy zone.
Yeah, I mean the minute that you stop trying to convince people who are not naturally drawn to you, it's incredibly freeing and it really simplifies your approach to business and marketing.
So I'm a big fan of experiments. Okay, I'm going to send out some messages that I'm going to put my real self into. I'm going to talk about the things I care about most." Something I encourage people to do a lot of the time is to do a 30 and 30.
It informs how I communicate with my customers into the future and informs the products and programs that I create.
What is the work that only you can do? What are the things that only you can talk about? What's the marketing that only you can do?

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Our business is about helping people be authentic in their marketing, businesses, and every aspect of their work.

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Doug: Well, welcome back listeners, to another episode of Real Marketing Real fast. Today in the studio I've got joining me from Ireland, Megan Macedo. Now I met Megan, I was introduced to her through Perry Marshall who I had on my podcast earlier and I really fell in love with her style. The fact that she had a marketing company, has a marketing and web design background and then she made this transition. And today's episode, I think you're going to find a very interesting conversation about our professional persona versus being yourself. So, Megan is an Irish writer and entrepreneur, she runs a marketing and storytelling consultancy in London where her work is about helping people be themselves in their professional life. Megan writes and speaks about authenticity in marketing, and taking an artistic approach to our businesses. Her story is one for searching for a way of doing business that feels genuine and authentic.

Doug: Her work is informed by her experience of growing up in a big family at the tail end of the troubles in Northern Ireland. She explores how family and culture contacts shape your story, shape our story, our work, and our business. Megan's output includes the short film Becoming Yourself in Your Business. The video interview series, The Business Self-disclosure and regular 30-day writing series on topics like uncertainty, gentleness, artistry in business. Megan hosts workshops and retreats in the UK, Ireland, and the US and she has shared the stage with the likes of many well-known speakers such as Jay Abraham and Perry Marshall. So I'd like you to give a warm welcome to Megan Macedo today to the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast. Well, Hey Megan, I'm so excited to have you on the real marketing podcast ...