Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to build long term connections with influencers with Cloris Kylie

Building long term relationships with influencers works because we are in the business of building relationships, right? Regardless of what you do, even if you're not in online marketing.
A mistake people make is, they get that interview, and they think 'Let me try to find someone else" instead of really nurturing that relationship or finding what else you can do in the long term to collaborate with that person. 
If you really listen, and you start to feel a personal transformation too.
It's always about, how can I deliver value to this person in the best way possible right now?
Now that I have this relationship with these people, I want to continue to support them. It's about having a group of people who you can really relate to their message, and you want to stay in touch in the long term and support them as much as you can.
But I would say don't try to connect with a hundred people, right? Just find a small group of people. Definitely, no more than 10 to start.
So something as simple as subscribing to their email updates will help because it will announce when they have a book coming out, when they have a new podcast, they have a new course. If it's something that you feel could help you, join their course, give a testimonial. And then you start to build a relationship pretty quickly.
I asked, "Why don't I try to connect with people who have the audience I want to reach?" And that's when things really started to change.

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We are in the business of building relationships, right? Look to build long term connections with influencers, not just short term ones.

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Doug: Well. Welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. In the studio today, we have to join me, Cloris Kylie. Now I connected with her on social media and have been following her as she's been growing her business and I've seen how she connects with people and just her authentic presence and the way that she's out to serve her audience. So Cloris has a marketing MBA and she helps business owners build their authority to grow their lists and to boost their revenue by building long term connections with influencers. She is an author and the bestselling book Beyond Influencer Marketing. She's been featured on national television, on top-ranked podcasts, as well as YouTube, including some of the number one podcasts for entrepreneurs such as Entrepreneur On Fire. Cloris's articles have been published on websites with millions and millions of followers such as Tiny Buddha, Mind Body Green, and Addicted to Success.

Doug: She's also a fellow podcaster. She hosts a podcast called Beyond Influencer Marketing Podcast, and she has interviewed bestselling authors and world-class entrepreneurs such as John Lee Dumas, Ryan Laveck, Chris Brogan, Bob Burg, Dorie Clark, Neil Patel, and the three daughters of Wayne W. Dyer. So with that introduction, I'd like to welcome Cloris to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.

Doug: Well Cloris, I'm super excited to have you on the podcast today. I've followed you for a long time on social media. We had that discussion at the very beginning that we've connected. I've watched your business grow and your success grows and your connections grow and watched you work to put your book together and get your book published. So welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.

Cloris Kylie: Well thanks so much, Doug. It's such a pleasure to be here today.

Doug: Well,