Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to gain attention and increase sales with Tyler Basu

We help people create content to gain attention and then we make sure that we bridge the gap to actually getting some leads and some appointments.
I'll start at the bottom of the funnel process. I like to focus on things that are the closest to the money.
It's not about the time, it's about the resources that are poured into it. You can really speed up building your audience if you're a bit more generous with the money you spend on doing that.
If you're not spending money on ads, there is a cost to creating content too and that cost is your time. And every entrepreneur should know what the value of their time is.
Just focus on the fundamentals. Do the things that make you the most money and then later when you have a bigger team, more resources, then you can add all more layers of complexity.
I learned about pre-selling. Building up a list or doing some outreach and talking to people and seeing if you can sell them your thing before you actually create it.

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We help people create content to gain attention and then we make sure that we bridge the gap to actually getting some leads and appointments.

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Doug: So kind of where do you start? Tyler: I start closest to the money. So if somebody has got an offer I say, "Okay, great. What's the step that comes right before somebody buys from you?"

Doug: Well, welcome back listeners, another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. I think you're going to really enjoy our episode today. We're going to talk about creating content, but more importantly, we're going to talk about how to take the content that you're already creating if you are creating content and how to make it convert. So how to use your content strategy to generate leads and sales. And then if you're not generating the content, our guest is going to help cover off some tips and techniques on how to create content. So our guest today is Tyler Basu. I met Tyler in San Diego. We're both icons of influence at the New Media Summit a few years ago and we just really connected and really hit it off and I've got a lot of respect for Tyler and what he does. Tyler is a Content Marketing Strategist and what he does is he specializes in helping startups and entrepreneurs create content that drives qualified traffic and leads to their business.

He's the co-founder of a company called Influencer Studio. It's a content marketing agency that offers content creation, publishing and promotional service to entrepreneurs. He's also a publisher of a lifestyle business magazine and podcast and an online publication dedicated to helping entrepreneurs help to build a life and business on their own terms. So I'd like to welcome Tyler Basu to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast. Well, Hey Tyler, welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.

Tyler: Doug, it's a pleasure to be here man. I'm really grateful to be on your show.

Doug: Yeah, it was great. I mean we connected a couple of years ago at the New Media Summit because you are an Icon of Influence and we kind of stayed in touch so we both drove or flew down from the same neighborhood to down in San Diego and enjoy some sunshine and some great conversations.

Tyler: I remember that. I remember being at the restaurant table with you and we were laughing about all my rejection I faced doing door to door sales. They were good times. Yeah.

Doug: Well I mean you come from a sales background and it's interesting because now you're helping businesses with their marketing,