Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips for successful SEO and remembering the human factor by Rebecca Gill

Don't get tripped up on the algorithms. Focus yourself on doing the right thing for the human, helping the search engines find the best answer for a human's problems.
Successful SEO is about ROI, it needs to produce a return on the investment whether you're doing it for yourself, or whether you're doing it for a client.
The goal is to educate people and to get that foundation built... I really want that one-time project with them first so I can get a sense of really what is needed ongoing, do they need my assistance, or can they fly?
Make sure your [SEO] strategy encompasses the entire journey, you can be so successful and so powerful and truly outfox your competition, because most likely they are not doing it.
SEO is about the human, but it's also about the data.

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Don't get tripped up on the algorithms. Focus yourself on doing the right thing for the human, helping the search engines find the best answer for a human's problems.

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Doug: Well welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing, Real Fast. Today we're going to talk about a topic that is discussed at length online, but I am super excited today to have Rebecca Gill joining me in the studio, and we're going to talk a little bit about search engine optimization.

So Rebecca has a well-rounded background, and she has over 15 years of experience in sales and online marketing. In addition to running the day to day activities of her web-savvy marketing, Rebecca also provides full-service SEO consulting, one-on-one SEO coaching, and she publishes online SEO courses and also hosts a weekly SEO podcast. She teaches on SEO boot camps, she loves to teach the latest SEO strategies and tactics for others helping businesses grow their online footprint.

So I'm sure as online marketers or those who are in that space, there are lots to learn today, so I'd like to welcome Rebecca to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.

Rebecca Gill: Hello, thank so much for having me.

Doug: Well, I'm super excited to talk about this topic. There's so much information out there, and we're obviously not going to get you to do a bunch of free consulting today, but it would be really great just for you to fill in the blanks, and give us a little more background on what you do and how you help people to achieve their goals.

Rebecca Gill: So as you said, I've been doing SEO for 15 years, roughly sales and marketing around the same time period. I love to teach people SEO as well as help them do it. So I spend my days working directly with clients on SEO projects, and then I publish online SEO courses, and I love to do six week mastermind courses with people too in a group format online to really help push them ahead and make sure they've got that feedback, both from me and then from the groups so we can all chat about it.  So that's pretty much how I spend my days.

Doug: Well one of the things that caught my attention right away, and maybe it's just because of my bias, and that is you've got a background in sales and marketing. I'm always excited to see people who are practisers teaching a skill. So whether it's web design or SEO or copyrighting, who actually have sales and marketing background.

Rebecca Gill: Yeah so I did sales and marketing both for an earpiece software company for years, and I also sold at the enterprise level with Delphi Automotive, and GM and Chrysler and Ford were my clients. So definitely have that experience at both small business and then...