Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on video storytelling to make an impact with Kenan Convey

Video storytelling is needed more than ever because it's so accessible and because everyone is on video. If you don't have a voice in the market, I think you're completely forgotten about.
One of the most key pieces I'm able to give to clients is something we call a content pyramid.
It's okay if you have 30 seconds to connect with the viewer online, how are you going to sell them or convince them or make them believe in your vision in those 30 seconds?
I think the best element or the best setting rather is the one that best communicates your brand and fits that.
The more [content], the better. I don't know if you can ever have too much content because every touch with the consumer is another opportunity for them to become aware of who you are. The more opportunities for them to realize who you are or just see them, the better. It's kind of out of sight, out of mind.
I've fallen victim to this, is trying to craft your product to the client instead of your product to attract the client.
I'm really excited to see video integration and how it's changing and social media. I think social media is beginning to craft itself around video.

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Video storytelling is needed more than because everyone is on video. If you don't have a voice in the market, I think you're completely forgotten about.

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Doug: Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today in the studio, I've got joining me, Kenan Convey. Now I met Kenan at an event in Redding, Pennsylvania just a while ago. His company was in charge of video productions, and they did an amazing job. So I invited him to join us today in the studio to share his dream and how Convey Productions was birthed back in 2012.

Now when Kenan first started his business, he had a vision, and his vision was to impact people through creative storytelling. In the beginning, this vision was realized when he began partnering with nonprofit organizations, missionary organizations in the Philadelphia area, creating video and photo content that helped them to share their story. And then in 2018, he launched Convey Productions with the goal of impacting lives by collaborating with those who strive to influence the community around them. His aspiration is to help business owners, you and I, entrepreneurs, to share our stories that will influence and engage the world.

So I'd like to welcome Kenan to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today. Hey Kenan, I'm super excited to talk to you today. I just want to say thanks so much for taking time and joining us on the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.

Kenan Convey: Absolutely. Thank you for having me, Doug. I'm super excited to be able to connect with you and hope to be able to give something to your viewers.

Doug: That's awesome. I mean, we connected at the Growth Now Movement in Redding, Pennsylvania. The first time I had been there. The service there was absolutely outstanding and phenomenal. I was just totally blown away at the level of service and the great event and the speakers. And then we had the pleasure of hooking up with you and your partner, and I've been enjoying all the media work that you've been doing after. So do you want to share just a little bit of background in our audience ... with our audience, kind of who you are and what you do?

Kenan Convey: Yeah, absolutely. I am a Philadelphia based filmmaker. I create short-form content, video and photo to be used for marketing purposes with small businesses, entrepreneurs,